Determining the relation of body balance indices in middle school students

Authors: Andreea Mădălina Anastasiu


Doctoral School, State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


Background. Physical education lessons must remain in the basic format without neglecting the optional, extracurricular activity because each of these activities complements the topics of its content.

Aims. This paper aims to investigate the balance development during physical education lessons and basketball extracurricular activity in middle school female students.

Methods. The research subjects were 24 schoolgirls aged 12-14 years from the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Middle School of Pitești. The study was conducted throughout the physical education lessons and basketball extracurricular activity. Static balance (SB) and lateral dynamic balance (LDB) were tested using Sensamove Sensbalance MiniBoard. Measured indices: performance; forward, backward and lateral deviations; keeping the balance.

Results. The analyzed results show better performance values by 2.5% at LDB, with the same share of deviations of 3.2% forward at SB and backward at LDB and at lateral deviations by 0.7% to the left at LDB and to the right at SB. Keeping the balance at LDB is better by 6.75% backward. The correlation analysis highlights 45.7% very weak connections (p>0.05), except for the strong connection between left, avg. deviation at SB and back, avg. deviation at LDB (R = 0.419, p<0.05).

Conclusions. The evaluation of the development of SB and LDB in middle school students highlighted the achieved performance dynamics, the same share of the investigated balance inverse to forward-backward and left-right deviations, which influenced differently the balance keeping quality. The correlation analysis determined the degree of connection between the indices studied in the middle school students.

Keywords: lesson of physical education, motor skills, extracurricular activity, deviation, performance, correlation analysis.



Determining the relation of body balance indices in middle school students