The Attention of the Subscribers
The “Health, Sports & Rehabilitation Medicine” journal is printed quarterly. The subscription price is 100 EUR for institutions abroad and 50 EUR for individual subscribers outside Romania. For Romanian institutions, the subscription price is 150 RON, and for individual subscribers the price is 120 RON. Note that distribution fees are included in the postal costs.
Payment of subscriptions should be made by bank transfer to the Romanian Medical Society of Physical Education and Sports, CIF 26198743. Banca Transilvania, Cluj branch, IBAN: RO32 BTRL 0130 1205 S623 12XX (RON), RO07 BTRL 01,304,205 S623 12XX (EUR), RO56 BTRL 01,302,205 S623 12XX (USD). SWIFT: BTRLRO 22
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